How affectionate was/is your 6 month old? What did they do to show you affection?


My LO is probably not the most affectionate baby so being a FTM I am just trying to gage if I should be concerned or not yet. We exchange "conversations" occasionally and sometimes even seems like he tries to sing with me (but he doesn't babble yet, I don't think, just makes a ton of different noises... nothing like mamama, dadadada, or bababa although he recently started gigigi not sure if that counts lol) he loves to grab at my face and hair. He has moments where he just wants Mommy but I don't get any big hugs (unless I steal them). He doesn't fully extend his arms to reach for me yey but sometimes he will kind of lift his armpits up in anticipation I guess. Does this sound like normal baby behaviour or should I bring it up to his pediatrician? Thanks!