Emotional 😒


Every day im fighting with my depression and anxiety, more then ever

I just feel like am i always gona feel this way?

Will it ever get better ever change?

I try n try n try for what?

Im sick of feeling this way, it feels like i feel every emotion all in one.

I feel like i can’t breathe, literally like im suffocating

I have chest pains, stomach pains, i feel sick, faint , head aches, im eyes go blurry, i feel so much anger for no reason, i can’t sleep when i do sleep im constantly waking up, im sweating really bad all the time.

I dont know what else to do im at a point i just wona give up

I know it sounds so stupid

I wish i could change i dont want this, i never asked to feel this way for people who dont have depression its hard to understand how someone can feel like this, trust me when know cuz we dont understand ourself.

One thing i want more then anything is just to get better not feel this way.

If anyone has any ideas im all ears