
So my son was suffering from diarrhea early July. I thot it was due to changing the texture of his milk. We went from premade gentlease to powder. He got diarrhea next evening. So we said ok it’ll pass as the docts say. Well 3rd day hadn’t so we said poor thing let’s just go back (bad move I know). So now we’re into the 5th day back on his old milk and still diarrhea. So we said ok now what. We noticed he had his two little bottom teeth coming we got excited and said yay! That’s what the diarrhea is all about! 🤦🏻‍♀️ so now we’re in to the 7/8th day and I’m noticing the diapers increasing he went from 3x a day to 8!!!!!! Ofcourse my red flag went up! So I make a doct appt. with MY LUCK (I don’t have any) they can’t see him tell the following week. Mind u this is now the 8th roughly that’s be putting him @2 weeks now with the diarrhea. I did mention that and they said as long as he was having P diapers and producing saliva an had watery tears he’s ok. Well I said fine. So we get seen on day 15 of diarrhea now it’s stil 7-8x a day, he’s still eating normally but now how a horrible rash ofcourse with all the wiping.!!! So doct says let’s take some stool samples. I said ok. (It’s a Friday) so I had the option to leave it at the lab in Saturday so I did JUST THAT. Saturday morning he ofcourse went I collected the samples and dropped them off.

Monday comes around and by 12pm I get some news 😞...

My baby has Dificile C and for those of you who are like omg what’s that!?

It’s really called Clostridium difficile. An it’s colitis results from disruption of normal healthy bacteria in the colon, often from antibiotics. C. difficile can also be transmitted from person to person by spores. It can cause severe damage to the colon and even be fatal.

Soooo ofcourse hearing that I began to panic!!!! Questioning if I caught it in time, is he gna be ok, what do we do now, omg omg omg ..

So the doct put him on Metronidazole. 3x a day for 10 days. So, he so he’s on his 7th day. The diarrhea has decreased. It’s still somewhat runny and discolored meaning a (very mustard yellow), but all in all I’ve noticed a difference in him.

I dont know how he got it. All I know is I’m back to watching “”everyone”” who comes in contact with him even more now. My poor baby .. so if you notice ofcourse diarrhea more than 3 days if even within those 3 days more than 4x (I’d say) monitor it. The color the texture everything! I just wanted to post this to share to you all Incase your baby was suffering from diarrhea or you’ve noticed a change in how Bowles. It’s not always teething or changes in food/milk.

Before antibiotic:

And after:

I feel it’s still somewhat there still? I’m going to wait till he finishes the antibiotic and go from there. Sorry for the pics just wanted you girls to see the difference between the bowels. Things like this, and this app has helped me with my questions.