cheated after 3 years and a baby... :/


okay so I have 3 kids a 9, 11 year old and a 6 month old. my 9 & 11 year old are from a previous relationship and my 6 month old is with my "fiance" of 3 years...

so my fiance has struggled with chemical dependency in the past and he is a veteran and has served in Iraq so I know he's been through some pretty crazy stuff.

I literally just completed my masters degree in social work and we had been talking about getting married this summer after I finished degree.

well apparently having OUR child changed me and nothing has changed in years with me...anyways I found out in may he has been cheating on me since February with this 40 year old meth user (I want to say some other words) so apparently my working 50 hours a week until 40 weeks pregnant, and completing grad school wasnt enough....apparently me raising his child and loosing sleep while he is out doing whatever isn't enough.

currently he is the only one working except he lost his job last week so well it don't matter because I've been supporting ourselves the whole time with my savings.

anyway in June I found out he was still hanging out with her and she SHOWED Up AT MY HOUSE yelling stuff at me which I call the police multiple times and He's always out riding his motor bike and hasn't been home since sometime in the now I think he's with her again

also someone came into my house 2 weeks ago and stole only my fancy camera with my kids pics on it :/ I think it was her.......and my back door wasn't latching correctly.

anyways I don't know what to do and how much more I can handle. I do know that I'm super sad and hurt and don't understand why this happened to me...I literally do everything for him that I can and its not enough...I don't even know if he thinks about his actions and what to believe anymore.

do you guys think long term treatment would work? should I just give up even tho that is so much easier said then done but I know I'm worth so much more and I'm so upset and hurt.

here is a pic of our baby and "family"
