Kissing your kids on the lips normal in your culture?

So, growing up, I kissed my parents on the lips when I was saying hello, bye, if I just wanted a kiss, etc. Once I reached the age of 10, I gradually stopped and it just wasn’t how we did things anymore.

My boyfriend NEVER kissed his parents on the lips and said he wouldn’t let our kids do it either because it’s weird and not normal.

Obviously we debated on this. Personally, I don’t think it’s weird or gross as it’s your KID. And personally I still don’t think it’s weird or gross even when they are grown up and still doing it (it’s a peck - not a make out session). Maybe it’s just the culture I grew up in, not sure. I’m not from the States and moved here only recently. But my boyfriend is from the States and says you only kiss your partner on the lips and it’s looked down upon to kiss your kids as it’s seen as weird.

Thoughts? Opinions? I’m just genuinely wondering what people find normal and not normal within their culture.

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