IVF chemical pregnancy


Just finished our first cycle of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and it unfortunately ended up being a chemical pregnancy. It was a fresh cycle and we transferred two 5 day fair quality blasts. We did not get any good enough to freeze. I can't help but feeling like this cycle was such a waste! The only good thing that came out of it was we found out that I was a slow responder to the stims and needed a higher dose. I'm having a really hard time staying positive right now and am now worried that our future cycles will not be successful.

This has been such a roller coaster both physically and mentally. One minute you see a positive line on the pregnancy test and are over the moon happy, the next minute you are bleeding and watching the lines slowly fade and getting the news that your beta is very low. I was imagining what my life would be like with a baby, or possibly two, and now it's been taken away, at least for the time being. I honestly didn't think it would he this hard! I guess I should be thankful it ended now and not further down the line.

Sorry, just needed to vent. I guess I'm just looking for some words of encouragement or people who have had similar situations.