Baby girl born 37w4d

Karuna • Married, mom to a girl and a boy!

After reading tons of birth stories and feeling excited about the arrival of my baby, finally i write mine.

My husband and I were expecting our first baby on may 23. The pregnancy was very smooth, no issues except that i wasn’t gaining weight. In total, i gained 6 pounds in 9 months. My OB didn’t worry as she thought it’s fine to not gain weight as long as i am staying fit and active, which i did. I was doing pilates and walking until the very last day!

On 6 may night around 11pm as i was trying to get comfortable in my bed, i felt a pop sound in my belly and then felt as if i peed myself. Went to the bathroom and i kept on peeing uncontrollably. I then realised that my water has broken. We rushed to the hospital and they confirmed that indeed my water is broken. After checking nurse told me i was 1cm dilated and i wasn’t feeling any contractions, so they sent me home. Next day after two attempts, i was finally admitted to the hospital at 7:30 pm to administer antibiotics. By 9:30pm, i started to feel slightly stronger contractions but they were still 10-15 mins apart. By 5am on 7 may, i was taken for an emergency c-section as my baby’s heartbeat started to drop dramatically with each of my contractions. I was still just 3cm dilated and contractions being 8-10 mins apart.

Soon after, we heard our baby girl’s first cry and that moment was magical. The feeling of seeing her for the first time cannot be described in words. After the surgery, we got to do skin to skin. Baby girl was born 4.8 pounds, underweight for the gestation period. My not gaining weight during pregnancy caused her to have low birth weight. But she is quickly gaining weight and making up for all that she couldn’t get in the utero.

At two month mark...

It has been two and a half months now and i just cant believe how quickly the time has flown by.