BV (just a little rant)

I have BV (bacterial vaginosis) and I got diagnosed with it three days ago. I started taking the medication two days ago and I’m supposed to be taking it twice a day. It’s supposed to last 5-7 days.

When I first got it, I didn’t know I had it. I had this white discharge and was itchy so I thought it was just a yeast infection. I go to the doctors for it (not a gyno but my regular doctor) and she seemed pretty unprofessional. My doctor wasn’t in, so they gave me another doctor. She used that metal thing to see what was going on and left it inside me to go get another tool, and while she was doing that, the metal thing slipped out and fell. She also didn’t seem comfortable even doing it. After the appointment, she didn’t even call me back for my results (she checked for a yeast infection and STDs).. I had to and when she told me them.

She didn’t get the gonorrhea results back or the clamydia one and was like “if you don’t have them, is it okay if I just don’t call you?” Like what?

It’s really been fucking with my ego, as superficial as that sounds. I feel ugly having it and haven’t told anybody except my mom about it. I know that it’s not a big deal and it could be worse but it’s been messing with me. I just want it to go away.