Finally ready to tell my story ❤️ #induced #38weeks


I went into Hospital for a blood pressure check on Monday 9th July, to be told I was being induced there and then, they put a balloon in, 24 hours later and nothing happened so they put a propess in on Tuesday lunchtime then I started having contractions at about 7pm, they checked at midnight whether I was dilated and I wasn’t at all so they put it back in, then my waters broke at 1pm on Weds naturally so they checked and I was 4cm dilated and my contractions were bad so they gave my some pethedin, later that night I was begging so something stronger and around 9 they said I was 5cm so I could have my epidural which I didn’t get until 2am because the labour ward was so busy- during this time I had gas and air so was absolutely delusional... 10am Thursday 12th July, I was 10cm but they couldn’t see her head because she was so high in my cervix, they told me to push anyway so for nearly 2 hours I was trying to push her out and I just couldn’t she wasn’t getting further down and I literally had no energy left so the doctors got called in and they said I had to go straight to theatre.

They took me and there were about 20 people in there, they thought I would have to have a c section but first they tried the suction cup which didn’t work but the forceps did and they put her on my tummy and she didn’t make a sound- obviously by this point I was verging on hysterical, even now all I can see is her little shocked face and it makes me cry, but anyway they rushed her off and had to stitch me up for over an hour then got taken to recovery, got to meet my little angle properly there after her dad had her and was doing some skin to skin while waiting for me. Loads of blood tests and my iron levels were very bad so had to have a blood transfusion and now daily visits from the midwife to check my BP and 48 hourly visits to Hospital for blood tests for my liver and iron levels!

I actually feel like it was an out of body experience and I’m kind of just realising that it happened to me but 10 days later I can look at my gorgeous little girl and count my lucky stars that she is here, regardless of how she got here or the postpartum pain, I would 100% choose to do it all over again if I had to.

I never expected my birth to be as traumatic as that, of course it wasn’t what I planned but look at her 💜❤️💜o