Angered husband 🙄

Our son is only a few weeks old so tensions are kinda high due to lack of sleep. It seems that since baby was born hubby has become more...aggravating. My husband was in high school when his youngest brother was born so he helped raise/take care of him. This has become a very annoying factor/thing he ALWAYS brings up to me because he tries to do everything he did with his brother and NONE of it works. It just makes our son cry and scream louder and longer. I figured out what soothes our son, which seems to frustrate my husband, to get him calmed down and back to sleep quickly. I, as well as EVERYONE else, have told him the same thing to help soothe our son and he won’t listen!!!

So now he has gone to mimicking our sons cry’s in a very loud yelling tone, which of course stress our baby out and makes him cry more. I’ve told him to stop, that it’s stressing our son out which stresses him(my husband) out and it’s a never ending cycle. This all drives me up a fucking wall....

Seeing as baby is still a newborn he’s not sleeping through the night(obviously). My husband is annoyed by this. He wakes, on a good night every 3-4 hours. If my husband is up with him, he’s up for 4 hour stretches sleeping every 30 minutes.... we try to take turns, but it’s usually me staying up cause my husband throws a bitch fit when I have to wake him up cause HES TIRED AND EXHAUSTED....when it’s his turn he does the absolute bare minimum, and puts a fully awake and fussy baby back down to sleep cause my husband thinks he can just cry it out and fall asleep. Even though I’ve told him EVERY NIGHT, that he is waaaaaay to young for that and he sure as shit doesn’t understand self soothing at this young of age. which means I’m up trying to calm an over tired stressed newborn.

Then there’s the dog... our dog is amazing, he’s fully trained and knows that right now he can’t get to close to the baby. I don’t know what it is but since baby has been home my husband has gone off on our dog for EVERY little thing. He doesn’t come running out of his kennel at the first call? My husband loses it. He’s walking to slow? Husband is yelling and screaming at the dog. Dog doesn’t eat ALL of his food? Husband is throwing him across the floor. I of course am yelling and screaming at him to stop but he won’t listen. When I bring up ANYthing regarding the way he acts he blames the dog and says it’s cause the dog is a piece of shit, which is not true.

I love my husband dearly, but somethings gotta change... he was never like this before baby. He would get on the dog for doing something really bad but it was NOTHING like what he’s doing now. I understand he’s probably really stressed out but it’s not okay for him to be acting this way. Plus I’m DONE with putting up with it. The problem is that he doesn’t seem to want to listen to anyone when they give advice. So I’m at a loss for what to do. I’m not at a point when I feel unsafe for me or baby and I’m not leaving my husband because he’s stressed. I just don’t know what to do/say so that we can get this worked out and get him on a better track