Ttc after “long” miscarriage


Hi! This post may be a bit long but I just honestly feel clueless and helpless. I’m trying to find hope in the fact that someone has a similar story and will hopefully give me some answers considering my midwife has not.

So, we went in for our 12 week appointment April 8th and found out that the baby stopped growing at 8w3d. My body didn’t recognize so we were given the option of medication or a D&C.; We first chose to try the medication as that’s what our midwife said would be best.

So we tried that and of course, my luck, it didn’t work as I was still bleeding 2 weeks after I took it. It got some out but not all. So then I had to get a D&C.; You would think that the D&c; would clear everything that needed to be out, out. But of course, my luck again, it didn’t as I was still semi having brown discharge and still getting a positive pregnancy test a MONTH after the D&C.;

So they did another ultrasound and kept tracking my blood work and sure enough, there was still a little bit of retained tissue left.

So my luck AGAIN, I had to try the medication AGAIN and take it while we were on vacation!!!!!!

It’s been about 3 weeks, maybe 4, since I last took the medication and I’m still on and off bleeding. I began to bleed BEFORE I took the medication for the 2nd time, so that’s mainly why they mad me take it right then and there because my doctor office said it was better to taken when I’m already bleeding. So I took it and it’s almost a month out of taking it and I’m still on and off bleeding. I was told this could be my period, which I guess could be true since I hadn’t had one since January. (My periods are super irregular anyways and I have PCOS.)

However, I took an ovulation test today and it was positive. Could this be right? Even though I’m still on and off “bleeding.” The last couple days it’s been really really light. Like almost spotting. Or like the end of a period. It’s brownish more than red. But then there will be times I while and it’s more red-pink.

I just feel so so confused, I don’t know what’s going on with my body. My doctors office has left me stranded too since they said , “well if you’re not pregnant within 6 months come back.”