Nothing went to plan


I've spent months doing visualizations, breathing exercises, anything I could to prepare myself for labor that my eternally puking body would let me do. Then my blood pressure was elevated twice in a week and I was suddenly being induced. I won't even tell my story because it was such a fluke at the end that it's so unlikely to happen to anyone else but I don't want to freak anyone out. Long story short after a couple days of labor I was on the table, exhausted, getting a cesarean. It was then that the discovery was made why I hadn't progressed that entire time, his little noggin was just slightly off to the side and facing wrong so he was not going through the birth canal, but close enough to it that everything looked normal. Except he came out with his head looking like a corkscrew! It was the worst 30 minutes watching him scream but unable to touch him. When he was placed on my chest to be wheeled back to recovery he instantly was quiet. I feel like I've been hit by a truck now 8 days later but this little man is worth everything, the 9 months of hellacious symptoms, the 2 days of labor, the healing, all of it. I guess the one bonus was after seeing me go through everything my husband wasn't about to tell me no when I wanted to use my Grandpa's name for his middle. Welcome Noah Allen. You are so loved.