Kids under 10 playing video games

B 🌻 • Mommy to a sweet baby boy 💙

At what age did you let your child play game console video games? Like on the Playstation or Xbox?

I say 10 is the right age to ease into it but my husband says as soon as 4-5 years old. 😧👎🏽

My argument is that kids under 10 should be going outside or playing with actual toys or just being bored and learning ways to entertain themselves. Or hanging out with friends or doing sports or events. Growing up, we barely even had internet and when we did it was slow ass dial up. We played outside all day and got bored sometimes and found different things to do and discovered new hobbies. I thank my parents every day for not giving into the countless times I’ve said “I’m bored” because the creativity I gained from it has benefitted me SO much as an adult.

My husband’s argument is that because he is an avid gamer (and REALLY into the gaming world) it’ll be hypocritical to see him so into it in his free time but tell our son “no” whenever he wants to play or learn about it. He says gaming is just like any other toy and he can still learn a lot from it. (I don’t technically disagree, but just go back to my argument lol) And also he wants a “gaming buddy” as soon as he can make our son one 🙄😩

Our son is less than a year old right now but apparently, this is a serious subject with my husband already because he’s gotten very defensive about it 👀🙄🤣

So yeah, at what age did you let your child play game console video games? 🤔