155—>135 Lifestyle change and feeling soooo much better


I’m really short at only 5’2 and was never a girl who was stick thin. I always had huge hips and big boobs, but when i went on birth control in 2013 my body completely changed. Then i went to college and well, the freshman 15 turned more into like the college 25+. When i graduated in December of 2017 life smacked me in the face and I was feeling so emotional and unhappy. I was always a confident person, so it wasn’t until I had this push and desire to start a new lifestyle that I realized i was pretty unhealthy. I still have so much work to do, and i now realize that I need to work on myself not only physically but MENTALLY the most! Learning to love myself every damn step of the way and i hope you all do as well 💕💕