Feel left out :(

Leasha • Mama&wifey 💖

So I’m currently 17 weeks, and we’re 15 days from finding out the sex. And it seems the farther into my pregnancy the more emotional I get, especially reading lovely stories of ladies gender reveals and baby showers, im soo jealous. I was filling out my baby book, and it has pages and pages to fill out of my baby shower, and its something ill never get to experience.

Im 4000 miles & a whole country away from my family and friends. Its hard moving to a new country and having no friends. My husbands family is around, basically a couple people who generally seem to care about the baby, but not excited enough to have a gender reveal, I actually mentioned it a few times to a couple ladies in his family and I was ignored.

I guess im just sadden on the fact I am missing out so much on other people being excited, and memories of having a baby shower & all the special gifts my baby would normally get :(

Has anyone ever experienced this? Am I silly to be sad and jealous!

Thanks for listening xo