craaaazy labor story!!!


this will be a very long story so grab some popcorn 😋.. so on july 10th about 11 pm i started having random kinda irritating contractions, didn’t think much of it cause me and hubby just finished 😉😉😉, so i thought it could’ve been from that. anyways, around 1 am they were coming every 6 mins, and i noticed my plug was coming out a little with blood so i decided to call my labor and delivery unit and told the lady they were coming every 6 mins and she told me to wait it out till they are atleast coming every 3-5. so okay boom, i waited.... BOOOOYYYY was that a mistake, i should’ve took my ass in because not even an hour later (like 30-40 mins) they were coming every 3-4 mins. so around 2 we headed to the hospital and when we got there the nurse checked me and i was at a 5 (two days prior i was suck at a 3 for a week 🙄). the pain was HORRIFIC, it was so bad i was throwing up because my body was getting so hot and i had the 💩 too! anyways i get to my room and the contractions are coming back to back like literally no time in between. so about 15 mins in they check me AGAIN and i’m already at a 7/8!!!!! so the nurse told me i have two choices either i can wait for the other nurse to come give me my epidural or they could break my water and we can push this baby out now.. well my ass was like NO i’m waiting for this epidural!!! so we waited about 10-15 more mins and the nurse finally showed up with the epidural. so they sat me up and told me to be really still. as soon as the nurse was about to clean my back to get the epidural started o told the nurse i needed to push so they hurried and laid me down, broke my water and we started pushing.... now with my first child i had time for an epidural so that was such a breeze.... THIS WAS THE WORST PAIN I HAVE EVER FELT IN MY LIFE. i felt like my hooahh was on FIREEEE. i kept telling the nurse “no no i can’t do this” all while crying and pushing. well 3 pushes later my little man was born on july 11th at 4:23 AM. it was such a crazy fast and VERY painful labor but it was all worth it once they laid him on my chest. and i did it with no meds at all so that’s a plus 🧡💛