Trying to not let society tear me down

I am currently 34 weeks pregnant with my little man that is a true miracle. I was told for years i could probably not have children and have had many health reasons for this. but here I am....I have had a rough pregnancy...morning sickness until about 29 sciatica pain 24-7 and alot of numbness in my body. but he is truly worth every bit of it. however our society sux....they look at me like I'm I'm an issue...just hurtful glares etc. for my glucose test I threw it up in front of everyone at the Dr embarrassing...and everyone just starred at me like I was a freak....little did they know the painful road to my pregnancy....little did they know 2 days earlier I was told he is running small and I was already scared from that...little did they know I spent every day the last 7 months throwing up and laughing it off bc my son is worth it. why do we have to be so hateful?? judgemental? talking to my sister yesterday she has 3 wonderful kids....but they have moments..all kids do...everyone tells her what she should do...and even in church her youngest who is 2 is going through a screaming phase and he started she took him out immediately and 2 older guys followed her out to say she has the worst behaved children

ever!!! why are we like this to one another as if life is not hard enough and raising children is not hard on this society. when did it become more acceptable for pets to act out of control than children?...I love my animals to death but there is a a huge difference btwn animals and children and we need to have respect for each all you moms and dads I am sure you are doing the best you can...please don't let out society make you feel any differently. as for me I am reminding myself today these people know nothing about me or my struggles and I need to stay positive and happy with every part of me and what my body is allowing me to do!!!