BFP! ahhhh


I had already counted myself out. I am 11dpo today a s felt crampy and cranky on several occasions this past week. and found pink and then sometimes light brown CM when doing cervix checks. I was sure AF was coming. I tested at 8dpo and BFN. AF is due tomorrow and I laid in bed this morning debating to test again or just wait. I decided to test, having pretty much zero hope and thinking well I'll use a FRER and when it's negative I'll be able to let go of all hope and wait on AF and get ready for next cycle. I peed on the stick, placed it on the sink. looked about 15 seconds later and there was a faint line. I am shocked! it took me almost a year to conceive my sons and I feared that this time around. this was cycle 3 unprotected and cycle 2 really tracking and actively ttc. eeeeek.