Cold feet or Bull Shit

thuim 16wks pregnant and i have 2 other kids with my past relationship. i dont want to make it so long but here it goes "My boyfriend" and i met in Dec we been messing around since Feb i found out i was pregnant in April and everything was going ok until 2 weeks ago he met my kids. Before he met the kids he said he was feeling"Presured" idk in what if we dont live together and its not like he pays any of my bills or gives me money i work and pay my own things. Meeting the kids was his idea and i asked from the beginning is this what you want bc im going to keep the baby and u can b a part of this or not. He said YES so after he said that we been trying to see each other more but now i dont understand where he feels the pressure from we both work he has no kids i have 2 kids and pregnant with the 3rd. Now its been 2 weeks since ive herd from this man im not the type to call him every hr bc ik we all need our space i only send him a msg last week to ask him if he was ok and that i was worried about him all he said was im ok how about you. Seriously thats all you gotta say WTF so now im just thinking this was the break up bc he didnt even have the balls to say its over and we made all these plans FOR SHIT. I dont understand why would you waste someone's time if you didn't want to move on with our plans. The only thing he said one day is that if one we broke up is that he would help that looks like it was all BS... It just sucks bc i really thought he was going to help out i think the best thing for me is to move on and fuck it it is what it is. Im exited to know what im having but bc of all of this i went n bought a crib and a strolle bc i think im going to get any help from this man. I just feel Sad😭 What do guys think?