Blood draw nightmare

I thought y’all might find my story about getting my blood drawn today a little funny. Keep in mind I’m pre med. I’m fine with needles and blood as long as it’s not going into me or my blood. I usually get really nervous before I get a shot or blood draw and I can’t watch, but then I’m perfectly fine. Today was a different story. I went to my volunteer interview at the hospital. They told me they were about to walk me down to employee services and have my blood drawn for testing. My first thought: shit I haven’t eaten anything yet. (That’s never good when you get blood taken). But I figured I’d be fine and went. The nurse was a super sweet older lady but she seemed to be a little confused and not sure what to do. She couldn’t find a vein and I told her my right arm is usually better luck. She insisted on doing my left. So I turn away and she sticks the needle in and I barely feel a thing. So I’m like okay I’m good. But then.. I feel her pull the needle out a little and go back in. I’m like okay that’s fine 😅 and then she does it again. So I’m beginning to get anxious and she notices and told me to relax. In my head in like “I would be relaxed if you had gotten it the first three times”. Then I feel something warm splatter all over my arm and hand. Right away I know it’s my blood. Suddenly I feel like everything I hear is underwater. I can’t feel my body and I start feeling very dizzy. She asked if I was about to faint and I said “I think so! I need juice..” she told the other nurse to help and she gets me a wet washcloth. I felt better already with that but the lady is still jabbing around in my arm. Still hasn’t gotten any blood. They get my a nutrigrain bar and water. After about 10 minutes of poking, she finally finds my vein. They made me lay down for a couple minutes before I left. My arm hurts so bad now and it’s so bruised. I was extremely embarrassed but I think that lady needs to work on her blood drawing.