Anyone over 35, over 1 yr trying with unexplained?


We've been trying for 3 years. I'm 37, he's 35. All of our tests are normal. Trying to decide whether or not to do a couple rounds of femara. Did 4 clomid cycles with <a href="">iui</a> and I only ended up with a 32 mm cyst. Fast forward through a deployment and starting an intense natural fertiltiy regimen. This is our second cycle sinve he's been home. A monitored natural cycle. I had a 24mm folly and 8.8 lining. The best I've ever seen. 7dpo progesterone was 11.2, doc said it was fine. Tested today and it's negative. Wondering if I should I ask for a biopsy to see if there's a reason it won't implant. Thoughts?