Leaving my job

So I didn’t anticipate not going back; but of course everything changes after you have a baby right?

I was known as the workaholic, worked so hard during my pregnancy that I passed out several times from not hydrating and eating. My boss will be very surprised to hear I’m not coming back and I honestly am not sure how to tell him?

A decent nanny is gonna cost us $20-$25 an hour and we’ll need her for 12 hours a day 🙄, I’m not comfortable with daycare, and really not comfortable being gone from my babe for that long but also my entire salary would be going to pay for someone else to watch my kid and I’d have nothing extra left over so it just makes more sense financially and emotionally to stay home.

How do I tell my boss that? What’s the appropriate way to tell him I’m not coming back after my maternity leave? (Company gave me time off but did not pay me for my time off, I don’t know if that makes a difference with quitting procedures post maternity leave).