What do I do? (Read before Voting)

I've been dating this man for a few months and we had gotten pretty serious. We also knew eachother for 4 years before that and have been through alot when we decided to get together. This was because of his ex who went to our highschool. She is known as a manipulative liar. We were friends the beginning of highschool but she cheated on her boyfriend at the time and he decided he wanted me (Another story for another time) and so we stopped talking until senior year when i started dating the guy im with now.

My school is really small our senior class was 32 students so obviously word travels fast. I heard that she was pregnant with his kid. My friends approached him and asked when he would tell me because i was the only person who didnt know. He said he didnt think it was true and didnt want to drag me into anything.

Later on he did tell me it was a lie and that she was doing it for attention which was easy to believe as her actions in the past were similar. she did this type of thing alot.

But a week before we graduated she approached me and we had a talk where she told me she was actually pregnant and 4 months along. this means that they wouldve had sex spring break of that year. I was under the impression that we were together but she asked me if i would leave him and i responded with yes because i would not allow myself to be with someone who didnt respect me enough to stay loyal. But she told me that he didnt think we were together during that time and that we were just talking. She told me how happy i made him and how she has never seen him like this before.

I texted him and told him i had screenshots of proof that she was pregnant and he starts freaking out because he thinks im gonna leave him. she also told me that she asked him why he wouldnt just tell me and he was afraid he would lose me. I asked him to meet up with us and he teared up on the way and we told his ex to leave so we could talk. i was so mentally and physically exhausted that I just wanted to go home and be myself.

So instead of telling him i needed a break i told him we could keep going and that there was nothing else to be said or done. the damage already had been done.

A week after that it didnt feel the same to me but now its better but hes being really dry when we text. Hes going through some stuff but he wont tell me anything. its so frustrating because i feel like im the only one putting in effort and trying to be there for him but he never stops to ask how im doing. But when we meet up hes fine. im tired of going back and forth. I think we should take a break but thats hard for me to say because i love him and its hard to not be around him.

I think he needs to work on himself without me on his shoulders. Just so he doesn't have to worry about texting me back or seeing me. now i just feel like a burden. Im also scared hes gonna decide he doesn't want me anymore if we take a break for a week. I probably sound dumb but I've been dying to get this off my chest

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