help/advice needed


my twin girls will be a month old Friday. Quick history: the girls were born 4 weeks early. vaginal delivery, one breech baby who came out not breathing. Both of them had gagging/choking issues in the hospital. so we suctioned their nose and mouths and go about our day. when they were a week old one of the babies had a gagging spell. the suctioning wasn't working and my baby was fighting hard to breath so we were rushed to hospital by ambulance. everything checked out we went to their pediatrician the next day. I expressed again to the doctor my concern about the gagging and the constant throwing up. He kind of dismissed it saying that sometimes I had to let them try to work through the gagging without immediately jumping in with the suction. And that all 5 of his babies threw up all the time and if my babies are gaining weight there are no worries. My babies throw up constantly . it comes out of their mouths and noses like a faucet. at the same time. has this happened to any other mom's? what can be done for this?