Advice on how to trust my bc pills? Am I protected?

I’ve been on birth control for a year now, combination pills to be exact, to help regulate my horrible periods. However, I just got into my first relationship and just had sex for the first time on Friday. We had sex on and off from Friday-Sunday since I went to visit him in Boston since I’m traveling for work, but I was on my placebo week!! I started my new round of pills yesterday and started them on time. We had sex this weekend with a condom, on top of being on the pill, for extra protection. Am I safe from pregnancy? I’m just a worry wart and Friday was my first time having sex. I come from a very conservative family so I don’t really have anyone to go to for advice or ask questions...

How can I learn to trust my pill for protection? And is it safer to use a condom every time we have sex like we decided on doing? Thanks ladies!