Dads need more credit

C 💕

I feel like dads don’t get enough credit for the things they do for us/baby.

My boyfriend was, of course, my biggest support during the pregnancy. It was rough, I had extreme morning sickness and it felt like every time we went to the appointments it was just more bad news. If I even felt a little sick he would offer to cancel his plans and stay home with me (I always declined and told him to go have fun) so he started having people come over and hang out at home so I didn’t feel cooped up and he was still home to help me if I needed it.

After our son was born he was so helpful with showering (the epidural had a ton of tape so my back was very sticky and I couldn’t seem to get it off myself), helping me on and off the bed (we have a very tall bed), and since that was so hard we all slept in the living room together until I was able to get out of bed without help.

He sat up with me at night during the first few weeks when I was feeding baby so that I wasn’t the only one losing sleep.

When I would randomly cry for no apparent reason other than hormones he never once made me feel silly for it, he would just hold me, rub my back and let me cry.

Even now, if I don’t feel good or I’m just having an off day he’ll hold me until I feel better. He tries so hard to make things easier for me on those days. I tell him all the time how grateful I am for all he does for me, but I don’t think he realizes how much he does for me. I wanna plan a surprise for him for being so great but I’m still trying to figure out what I wanna do.

In the hospital waiting and having last minute panic lol 👇🏻

Baby’s born

Random moments since

I love these two more than I ever thought possible 😍💕💞💖

Ladies, show your love for your supportive men 😊