daycare help. abuse was happening

alright I don't know what to do and I'm hoping for some non judgemental thoughts and advice. I placed my daughter in daycare because i was working and I had *minor* problems from the start. at one point I found out they didn't give my child anything to drink all day (all her cups were completely full when i picked her up.they said her she must have gotten another kids cup, but based on the fact she drank two 8oz glasses when I got her home I don't think she got anything to drink. Plus my child has allergies so she can't have actual mill or formula). then my job halted and I pulled her out of daycare. the day I pulled her out I found out there was an ongoing investigation with the daycare (okay so side note: I had her in a state licensed daycare) that one employee taped the hands and mouth of an 18 month old I'm my daughters class (it was my daughters teacher!) And she also did it to two other kids.. the directors of the daycare tried to hide it but an employee reported it to child services. which leads me to my current problem! I need to put her in daycare again. but my options are state licensed facilities which seem to have the minimum adult/kid ratio. everything is very disorganized, gross, no curriculum and so on. or I could put her into a local church daycare (tons of them around here). but I'm not comfortable with the fact that the employees don't have to have background checks, they aren't required to check vaccine records, and are not held to the same state standards of making sure things are done "properly" I guess. I think it makes me so much more nervous knowing what happens at the first daycare and how that could more easily of happen at a local church daycare. feedback?