I may sound bitter but🤷🏻‍♀️

So I have a friend, we have been pregnant twice at the same time however my last pregnancy ended up in a miscarriage last year while she was still pregnant. She bragged all the time about her pregnancy and I never once said a word because I thought maybe I was being sensitive (which I was) I already had two children and I was pregnant with my 3rd the only thing I could think about was that I was just grateful to have the two kids I still had an that maybe it just wasn’t my time. Here is where maybe I am being bitter idk but my first born has Spina Bifida he was born with it and has several difficulties with walking and bowel and bladder issues. He has a physical iep for school and is also on social security even though he doesn’t get money monthly or anything he still is on social security for when he is older. Here is where it gets difficult for me as a “good” friend. I found out I am pregnant with my rainbow baby in April. I am now 19 weeks and have recently found out I have a blood clotting disorder that can turn fatal for my baby girl. Knowing that this girl is my friend I tell her about it and her reply is “oh that’s sad hope it doesn’t happen again” I asked her what her deal was an she said in reply that “everything happens to you” I asked what that is suppose to mean an she replied with. Well I find out my son has a speech problem and your kid gets social security and an iep walk way for school when I can’t get anything for my child. Then your other child gets a free walk through school with nothing wrong with her and now you tell me you have a blood clotting disorder when you know I bled a lot after I gave birth to my second child and I didn’t have any explanation as to why she bled other than her placenta was stuck inside her. Where her attitude came from have no clue but again, yesterday she messaged me saying she needed to talk to me because it was important I was like okay? What’s up! She said I think I’m pregnant she said she has hemmroids, pimples, bleeding gums and she is tired. She said she missed two pills last Thursday and Friday an that a pregnancy test shows a positive followed by sending me a picture of her test which had no line whatsoever I politely said “I don’t see anything” she says your blind if you can’t see that. She said she was going to get an abortion or placing the baby up for adoption and here is when I flipped my shit! I’ve had a miscarriage. You don’t tell someone that crap knowing what they have been through. I don’t give a damn if it’s a freaking joke just don’t. This girl had the nerve to tell me that I’m not a good friend that I only care for myself and that she has no one other than her husband and kids to confide in. Well bitch, now you know how it feels ✋🏽 Do I sound petty or do I have a right to be pissed at this whole situation?