How the heck are my levels “normal”?!


Don’t mind me, just a bit of a rant here.

I’d been TTC with a donor. Last insem was end of April. Got a period so I figured okay, I’m out. Didn’t try in May, and was going to try again in June.

I clearly didn’t ovulate in May, or June, or now in July. My period is 50 days late, and the HPTs (lots!) and the blood test (last week) are all negative for pregnancy. Fine, I expected that. But my doctor claims all my hormones are normal. Normal. How in the world are they all in the “normal” range if I’m 50 (FIFTY) days late? (Keep in mind, this is not normal for me at allllll.) I’m on cycle day 88 I think. Or 87.

And I’m just annoyed as all heck because my doctor just wanted to put me on birth control or progesterone pills before even testing me. She didn’t want to do blood work even. She didn’t touch me, didn’t do any kind of exam, nothing.

I’ve got some pregnancy symptoms, but not many. And I should be testing positive at this point if I was pregnant. It’s not PCOS, I’ve been tested for that. So what the heck is it!? 😭

And I know none of you can tell me what it is but does anyone have any suggestions? Things I should check or tell my doctor to check? This is exhausting.