Contractions got me like


So this morning when I got up, I suddenly got this intense tightening in my belly with cramping down low and could have sworn I was going to pee myself bc everything felt like it was going to be squeezed out.

(Know what I’m talking about?)

But I was like, “nah, that wasn’t real.” 😂 #denial

Throughout the day I’ve had roughly ten of those. So I was like, “okay, maybe I’ll get lucky during my NST and have one and I can ask if they are intense BHs or false labor contractions.”

Welp, they confirmed, “oh no, that’s definitely a contraction. A real contraction.”

I’m like, “oh... okay. Cool.” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ 😅

But because my fluid is better than last week, the doctor didn’t send me to the hospital! She was like, “you’re free to go.”

It was kind of exciting to realize I was having real contractions and it’s not a red alert. Which I think has been an unconscious fear for me being high risk.

And a relief to actually know what I’m supposed to be feeling so I can now start tracking them. That way I can update my doctor at my appointment on Wednesday.

Anyone else have one of these moments? (The denial, the excitement, the relief? The “I can see the light at the end of the tunnel” moments?)

On a side note, LO is actively working on her breathing and has been for the past week. I even got to see her swallowing today. It was pretty cool.