thoughts welcome


just wondering what your thoughts and suggestions are until i wait for AF to show or for that second line to come up 😭 i KNOW i ovulated CD14-16

last three tests are today CD25- 1 negative hcg test and 2 opks, which both look positive to me, my CD14-16 surge never got darker than this either. top two tests taken with same urine sample 10:30am and the last one i took around like 6pm.

second pic (below) is when my 10:30 tests were still wet/not completely dry/out of time frame because i swear i see it but now that it’s dry there’s nothing there. idk 🙃🙃

edit: i know you can get a second LH surge before your period but mine however isn’t due for 4 days. once i put this into glow, it moved my expected period date back to August 5th instead of June 27th with my ovulation day tomorrow but i know that’s not true as i know i ovulated 10 days ago