Boyfriend acting childish


Very long post, but please help me figure out what to do!

Help me out here because I don’t know what to do. My boyfriend acts like such an ass sometimes and exactly like a damn child. This past weekend I brought him to a concert in Boston to see the Foo Fighters at Fenway for his birthday present. He has told me since day one of us dating that they are his favorite band and how much he loves them, so I figured this would be the greatest present ever, turns out his reaction was less then enthusiastic, like he had to fake a reaction 😒. So we go to Boston and are spending the night day in the city before heading over to the concert and the entire day he is complaining about every single thing. We went to Quincy market and he complained for the next hour and a half about how he doesn’t like people and its claustrophobic and he doesn’t like being in large crowds. After that we have to walk to a brewery and he proceeds to complain about the walk being long and the heat is brutal and he is sweating, etc. We got there and sadly it was closed due to an issue and he got all pissy. Then we head to Fenway and to grab dinner before hand and he spends the next two hours complaining about the restaurant being crowded and how his feet hurt badly (mind you there is an empty stool next to me for him), that we’re going to be late for the concert and that the wait is too long. Whatever I can deal with that, here’s the BIG FUCKING KICKER, we get into Fenway after dinner and everything and find our seats, the second we sit down he starts complaining about the seats being uncomfortable and that he can’t stretch out all the way and we’re so close to other people, we don’t have great seats, oh I wish we had turf seats, oh I wish we weren’t sitting near a pole. All this shit and he even had the audacity to suggest we not go see the concert and just skip it because he was tired from walking all day, like I paid a lot of money to talk you to see your favorite band and this is how you act. In the middle of the concert he says I want to leave and I say no, then after he concert leaves I tell him we’re going to wait a little for the crowds to settle and he says, “well this is why I wanted to leave earlier so we wouldn’t have to deal with this”.

He made me feel like absolute shit after I did all of this for him, something I told him was that he didn’t seem to understand that while he was feeling all these things and comparing about it, I was there dealing with all the same things, yet I didn’t complain once like a grown ass adult.

I love this guy dearly and he is the love of my life but he does shit like this all the time, says he will change and of course never does. Which I don’t blame him for but he says I won’t do it again, I say you can’t promise me that and he says but I do promise you that, and then it happens again.