This isn't against anyone just how I feel an how I am


I'm 27 weeks pregnant with a low laying placenta. Next week I get to see if it's went up enough so they will let me give birth naturally like all my others. If it doesn't then in forced to have a scheduled C-section. Something I refuse unless it's 100% necessary. My mother tells me that the same happened to her. For me not to worry because they will have to take my son earlier. Everything was fine with hers and continue to tell me what could go wrong even if it moved up enough. Well sorry I'm not her and I don't want to have one done if I can help it! Yes I'm aware of what can happen. I googled to much and ask the doctors questions. There's so much wrong that can happen to the baby with a schedule C-section vs emergency C-section. I don't want them to take him early when he's not ready to be born! I'm going to break down if they tell me it hasn't moved enough!