Early ultrasound after mcs



Please read my story and share your experiences with me if you've gone thru smth similar. I'm going crazy over here and don't know what to believe. So, I've had 2 mcs one October 2017 at 6 wks and one April 2018 at 5wks. Both times i got pg right on the first cycle and both times that i miscarried i had painful cramps and bled for days including clots. Now I am pregnant again and according to my lmp I should be at 7w4d. Because of the mcs, my dr scheduled an u/s last week when I was 6w5d and my hcg was over 1000 the week before so he thought we should be able to see smth. We only saw a sac, no yolk no fetal pole. The dr said it might still be early and we scheduled another u/s and he checked my hcg again which had gone up to over 9000. So I had a second u/s today at 7w4d and still only saw the sac, but my husband and i thought for sure we saw a little smth in the sac even tho the tech didnt zoom in. last time the tech was really nice and took a lot of pics and measurements and I saw her zoom in to the sac. the tech this time was so rude and so quick and seemed like she couldn't wait to get us out of there. and she was so rough with the probe too...and didn't even zoom into the sac.this process was honestly so weird and she's like just see the dr. I asked her if she saw anything. she's like no. the dr looked at the images and said the same and that he wanted to schedule a d&c.; i told him I am not ready and asked him what could possibly be the case and he said chromosomal issues then in the same sentence he's like, after this you should go see a fertility specialist and basically suggested his friend. Now maybe I'm just too upset and don't want to believe it but I have no cramps and have had very minor spotting here and there and my breasts are still extremely sore and some other typical symptoms. Could it still be too early? Have you guys ever had a similar experience or heard of smth similar. I really liked this dr at first but honestly now I feel uneasy and really want to wait a few more days to see if I pass everything naturally or maybe smth is still there. I am so upset and emotional right now. Please share if you have any similar stories.