Dear Future Daughter-In-Law

I hope one day I'm able to meet you and I can live up to these words. I wanted to write you and tell you a little bit about me and my son. His father was broken, unable to love anyone but himself. He had a hard childhood and never had a father to look up to, or a mother either thanks to the drugs. He was a man I fell in love with, but he couldn't love me back the same way. He can't love anyone. He has made me fall for him and then hurt me, and then fall for him, and then hurt me repeatedly. He doesnt know how to NOT hurt me. He was never taught how to treat a woman. He never learned compassion and caring. Like I said, he's broken.

But my son wont be. My son has a mother who is strong and has lived through the worst heartbreaks. He has a mother who will teach him to treat a woman right, but also to stand up for himself. He will have manners. He will be polite. He will know how to love others and he will know the importance of showing that love. I will not stand by and watch my son build a woman up just to tear her down. He will be a better man than his father because he has me as his mother. And I hope when the day comes, I can look at my son so deep in love with you and I can be proud that I raised such a caring young man. As I sit here with my tiny baby boy and another broken heart from his father, I think of you, sweet girl, and I promise to do my best so you will never feel this pain.