I need advice...

I have a boyfriend and thankfully he's understanding and supportive about this stuff but I feel it should be a personal goal to move past it. I would like to be sexual with him, that's no issue for me, but it's the fact that I end up having thoughts and flash backs of what I had experienced in the past. I don't even know why it bothers me or why I feel traumatized by it because it was never anything major... But it's stopping me from doing what I want to do. My ex pressured me into a lot sexually and nearly took advantage of me and this other guy shoved his hand down my pants and touched me even after I said no repeatedly... I know my boyfriend would never do any of this but it still freaks me out and I don't know what to do to move past it. None of these events happened years ago, it happened earlier in the year which could be a reason why but still... Idk. I guess I would just like advice or help....?