Pediasure for baby? 20 month old ADVICE


So my son is 1 year and 8 months and he is SUPER PICKY with eating and only eats about 3 spoons of what i make for him to eat, after that he just throws a fit and he wont eat and will spit it out, ive taken him to the drs and asked and they just say "reduce milk intake" WELL i have! It doesnt work he will just cry and ask for his bottle no matter how long i push it off to give it to him, i try all varieties of food so thats not it, and besides the fact that hes gonna be a skinny person because my family is tall and skinny, but hes a tiny little thing and i was wondering if i should try giving him pediasure for kids? Has any other mom tried this with a child his age? Also is it safe for his age? What do you all think, its such a struggle to get him to eat so he can be at a healthy weight and not fall behind, i just want advice?

This is my tiny almost 2 year old son with our 3 year old neighbor