my story of abuse by my father. A MUST READ❤️


first off i’d like to point out that this post is no what meant to come across like i want attention or something. this is only to hopefully help those who are going thru something similar or have been thru it. it’s gonna be long so grab some popcorn loool


i had the kind of dream life that everyone wanted. i had a mom dad little brother 3 cats in an expensive neighbourhood in south carolina. i had loads of friends and was quite popular. i was probs 8 or 9 when everything went to shit. my dad sat the family down and told us that he was fired from his job and that we were gonna move to louisiana bc he found one there. i was sad but too young to really consider what it would be like. he left while our house was on the market. we got a call that his car was stolen and driven off a bridge. we later found out that he got a DUI and was involved in a hit and run. he came back home after losing that job in a matter of days. he went into a deep depression and never came out of his room. because he’d now moved out of shared room with my mom into our guest room. this is where it got bad. there was constant screaming all the time around my house. for months and months and months. i started middle school and got bullied into a depression and sucide attempts meanwhile my father would randomly come into my room, i could be asleep, reading, doing homework, on my phone, anything, and he would beat the shit out of me to where id have bruises everywhere. i’d use my moms concealer to cover it becauss i didn’t want anyone to know. flash forward 2 years of constant bullying and severe beatings and my parents got a divorce. i wasn’t upset at all because i just wanted to get away from that monster. my mom announced that my brother her and i were moving to england. so we moved and i blocked my father almost instantly. i would push deSks and objects in front of the door because I was so paranoid of him coming in even though he was in different country. over the summer i was forced to go see him in new york. he had now gotten a girlfriend who is literally a crackhead. but anyways it was an awful trip. i fought back once because he threatened to kill me. i just said fuck u and ran away. he found me hours later. i was sat at the train station contemplating whether to jump onto the tracks. he dragged me thru an alleyway he threw me around like a rag doll. he smashed my head on a brick wall and tried to kill me. he ripped my hair out and kicked and slapped me and held in a way which i felt like i was helpless.he touched me in inappropriate ways grabbing my tits aggressively hard and my ass and thighs. after i was sent back to the uk i self harmed almost everyday. and went into the deepest depression. they wouldn’t give me meds because doctors were concerned that id abuse them. i eventually was sent to therapy and it helped loads. a year later i’ve pushes a lot of this behind me until he messages me about how my

tits are massive and how i look too mature for my age and i should get a breast reduction because i don’t look normal. (my breast size is 36E) ik that they’re big but v inappropriate for him to say.

Present day

i have blocked him in all ways he can contact me and haven’t self harmed in 5 months :) i have become more stable and confident and only get pushed down when family members think i’m stubborn and selfish for not speaking to him because they don’t know

the whole story. ANYWAYS i know this was very long but the point is no matter what you’re going thru you can do it❤️❤️

UPDATE: not everything that happened during this time is included due to me having acrylics making it difficult to type lol x