14 Weeks Old EBF


So like 4 days ago for about 2 weeks, my daughter started nursing every hour and half or every hour for about 12-14 minutes a feeding. Before she started nursing so often she was sleeping 4-5 hours at night, only waking up once to eat. then for 4 nights in a row she slept 8 hours straight (awesome right?) but thats when she started eating every hour and a half. I first assumed she was eating so often to fill up for those 8 hours she was sleeping at night. Then I thought maybe she was going through a growth spurt. Well now she's been sleeping every 3-4 hours at night and wakes up twice at night to eat. Night time feedings last her about 10-14 minutes depending how fast she falls back asleep. But now during the day it's like she has no appetite. Her feedings are now 3-7 minutes long (this after a 2-3 hour stretch of not eating) I was actually able to pump 7 oz of breast milk today from her not wanting to nurse all day for as long as usual. So I know I'm producing milk (not an over producer btw I make just enough for her to eat and get full.)Husband and I think she might be teething (she chews on us and her hands and anything she can grab constantly, and we read it can cause a decrease in appetite) Since she's not nursing as much during the day, she obviously isn't having as many wet diapers (was usually 10-12 Maybe 14 now it's about 7-9) Doctor said it's possible for her to be teething but he doesnt think so bc shes so young. Has anyone experienced their babies having no appetite? it's worrying me

(Picture bc shes a cutie. Also no real fussiness except when it's nap time or bed time... Also has been way harder to put to sleep than usual)