Please read!!!

I just wanted to spread awareness about teenage relationships and thought this would be the best place to.

I’m 17 years old and I’ve been in and out of relationships since I was around 12, I lost my virginity at 15 and in the past 2 years i have had sex with 7 different people, this is not something I’m proud off. Most of my relationships have left me heart broken but I’ve always felt like everything happened for a reason.

Just over a month ago I got into a relationship with someone, he was 18 and seemed like a genuine person he kept telling me he wanted to marry me and have kids with me in a few years and stupidly I believed him although I knew there was something wrong because he would always hide his phone from me but because I was so deeply in love I ignore the fact he did that and just carried on with my life. We where together just under a month (one of my shortest relationships) and then he split up with he told me I deserve better and that he still wants to talk to me everyday ur if I ever messaged him he would ignore me. 2 days after we split up he went running back to his ex and started sleeping with her again.

On Sunday the 22nd July 2018 I took a pregnancy test. All 3 came back positive, I messaged my ex explaining what had happened and he told me he wanted nothing to do with me or this child he told me to get rid of it. Those words honestly hurt me so much. The past few days have honestly been so hard for me

I have 2 part time jobs and I work my arse off to earn money but what I earn is definitely not enough to raise a child. If I had a child I would want to give it its best life and I can’t do that at this moment in time, i also would not be able to go through pregnancy and raise a child by myself. I have always been against abortions but me and my family think that this is the best thing to do right now.

PLEASE be careful and don’t let this happen to you, use protection it’s worth it.