
I’ve had my period since I was 13 and am turning 17 in two weeks. Over the past 6 months I’ve been in and out of doctors with my period. My natural periods can vary between 11-13 days long and are heavy all the way through, I get severe cramps, nausea, back ache, back acne, tender breasts. I’ve tried four different types of contraceptive pills but each pill either made me throw up or gave me severe migraines to the point I couldn’t open my eyes. I am also sexually active but have stopped completely for now as I’m no longer with my boyfriend and have such bad periods. I had three ultrasound scans as they thought I had endometriosis but all the scans were clear and my ovaries are normal. I also get excruciating pain when ovulating and have been in hospital once before because of it, doctors thought I had appendicitis but turns out it was literally just ovulation pain. My doctor wants me to go on the IUD but I am not comfortable with that, what should I progress to do?