Came in at 4am to be induced

Came in at 4am to be induced. Started pitocin at 5:30am. Contractions were there but not bad at all. Got my water broken around 10:30am. From 10 to 10:30 I progressed from 5cm to 7cm. After my water broke pain got more intense. Got rechecked and there wasnt much change so I got an epidural. At this point I hadn't eaten since 3am, it was now 11:30am. After getting the epidural I had several bouts of really low blood pressure. I had to receive medication to bring my blood pressure back up. Over the last half of labor I ended up with 7 doses of medicine to bring my blood pressure up. After an hour I got checked and I was making progress but the baby was still up high. I had to turn on my knees and elbows and rock my hips. This helped her to drop down and pressure started to increase. After this my epidural started wearing off. My contractions didn't get much closer together but became really intense with lots of pressure. I was checked again after 30 minutes and it was time to push. After a few practice pushes my doctor came in and with 1 contraction and 3 pushes she was out. She came out so quick I did tear but I had no pain. Once she arrived. Embarrassing moment: I pooped. The nurses and my doctor knew that I knew but acted like nothing had happened.

I expected this labor to be like my previous 2 about 4.5 hours but she took her time and came after 10 hours. While the labor was a bit longer it seemed much easier to manage than the previous 2. Delivery was much faster though.

This was a wonderful experience and so memorable.