Announcing to Friend Struggling with Fertility


I’m pregnant with my second and just passed the 12 week mark. Right now I am really worried about telling my close who has been struggling with infertility for years. She and her husband are in the middle of their first round of

<a href="">IVF</a>

. We’ve told our families and most of our friends but I’ve delayed telling her because I don’t want to upset her at a sensitive time. I even announced my pregnancy to my boss and coworkers last week. My boss happens to be her father in law and he actually scared me off of telling her earlier because he thought she would be too upset. Even though she has thanked me many times for my support through her journey I’m so nervous. I know she will be happy for me, but she also gets really stressed out and is sensitive. I can’t hold off any longer because I’m showing and I think that she’ll be hurt when everybody knows but her. Does anyone with experience dealing with infertility have any advice? I know I’m overthinking this, but it’s really bothering me because I care about her.