Ftm questions


I’m sooo excited for my anatomy ultrasound on Friday but what should I expect ? What happens if they say my baby is breech? How will they check in the future when I’m closer to giving birth? What other things do they look at, at this US? What questions should I ask? I’m so ready but so nervous 😂 I feel like I haven’t got any info on my baby yet. When I go to the OB I pee in a cup, get my BP checked, get weighed, then sit in a room til the doctor comes in and checks the heart beat and asks if I have questions then it’s over. When all my blood tests came back they just said “they came back normal/good/ low risk”. The first ultrasound I got the tech was a 🤬 and didn’t really say anything and refused to let me hear the heartbeat. The second time I went somewhere else & the techs were so nice and after my scan a nurse took me into an office to talk and it was really helpful. I’m going to the same place for this scan so I’m hoping they will explain everything to me and it’ll go smooth like the first time I went there.