


Did anyone take this for high prolactin and had trouble with getting a period? My understanding is it should help regulate it not delay...

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My first cycle while taking cabergoline lasted 52 days. I mean I was used to long cycles but that was bonkers.Now in the middle of my second cycle and hoping it will be more regulated.


Ma • Sep 8, 2018
My doctor ended up giving me provera but by the time I started it my cycle kicked in but you’re right long cycles are horrible esp while ttc


Posted at
Sorry to up an old post.. I’m currently taking Cabergoline since my last prolactin level was 34. Has anyone had any success getting pregnant?


Shak • Apr 10, 2019
How long did you take it to conceive?


Brianna • Jan 26, 2019
Did you take Cabergoline for 2 years before it happened? And congratulations!!


Ma • Jan 26, 2019
Was ttc for 2 years and it has finally happened keep taking Cabergoline and prenatals ❤️


Posted at
It is frustrating but I finally got one it took two months!!! Baby dust to you!!!


Posted at
I'm taking it now. I was getting periods every 20 days when they used to be 32. a week after I took the meds I was supposed to get my period but it's day like 40 and I still haven't. I'm hoping it's just stuttering and fixing itself. so frustrating.