This Pain is So Much, I’d Rather Die 💔

Mansi • 25, wife to an amazing human 😍 and a feminist for all 💪🏽✨

I have a pilonidal abscess that needs daily dressing change. I just went for my first dressing change today after getting the wound packed under anesthesia yesterday.

And let me tell you... I wouldn’t wish this even on the Devil himself. I can’t find the right words in the English language to tell you how much it hurt and I have to do this everyday for 4 weeks...

I’m currently in a bathroom crying, asking God what I did to deserve this.

I screamed at the doctor to just stab me to death with her scalpel because this is worse than my mother dying when I was a kid - and I say those words very carefully.

Please pray for me as I can’t handle this and I need to have the strength to be able to pull through.

I’m gonna die otherwise and I’ll never stop crying.

Have to keep area dry as hell otherwise it’ll get infected and doc’s exact words were “you think this was bad? If it gets infected, you’ll be begging for this treatment instead” And she wasn’t being mean so yea I have to suffer through this for the next 4 weeks minimum or however long it takes to heal.