Trying for the bright side rn


So I just left my obgyn because of ovarian cyst issues. My period is 4 days late which never happens but apparently a ruptured cyst could be the reason so because of this I’m still convinced I’m pregnant based on my symptoms and because I’m surely insane by now so I have them do a urine pregnancy test. Needless to say, big fat negative. And I literally pep talked myself all day about not getting my hopes up. Haven’t told my husband or friends about my period being late which I probably would have because I didn’t want to “jinx” myself. Oh well. Good news is that the tech said my uterine lining is very thick which is a good sign because most women coming off of depo have a very thin lining which is harmful to a fetus. Oh well with that I’m gonna go to tj maxx and buy myself something nice 😂❤️