Due date pushed back?


So based on my last period i thought i was 7weeks 6 days... I had a dating ultrasound today and measured only at 5weeks 6 days... i thought i ovulated late but still... the US tech didnt make it sound very promising tbh... Im trying not to be sad and assume baby just stopped growing and im gonna miscarry soon... but I cant help but feel sad. I have another ultrasound on August 7th so 2 weeks from now to hopefully see more... anyone have any words of encouragement for this 2 week waiting period. does this sound normal? my last period was May 30th. I got a positive test not till July 2nd which is why I thought i ovulated late... but if I didnt get pregnant till the 21st (when we had sex closest to the possible date of being 5+6) how did I get a positive test only 11 days after conception? is that possible? idk I just need some encouragement! Thanks for reading.