
I’m 8 days late and no I’m not going straight into thinking I’m pregnant I’m thinking stress or ovulated to late . First of all I’m pretty aware of when my period is going to come as well as sometimes get signs like ( acne , back aches ) sometimes I don’t but I KNOW when my period is coming every month it’s been like that since I got it in 7th grade . I was late once before which was 3 days but never 8! I’m trying to wait till I’m 14 days past due for af but I’m just so curious . I wanted to know like if you think you ovulated late should my af be arriving in the next week then ? The only thing that seems odd to my body is mild cramping through out the day which goes in and out through the day and also ( using number 2 a lot lol ) sorry tmi .. its just odd lol wondering what I should do and don’t say just “ test “ I mean I am I just wanted to know what people may think or if they had this before ( being late 8 or more days with an result )