Birth story!!!

Lexi • 26.💍👶🏼💙👶🏽💗

Finally I get to do this!!

So, on June 24th I was scheduled to go in at 4pm for pre induction (actual due date was July 5th) but because of gestational diabetes I was scheduled to get induced at 38 weeks. I went into the hospital for 4pm & it wasn’t busy so I went straight in to get everything started. I got the cervidil inserted at around 5pm & stayed for 2 hours to be monitored to make sure nothing was happening to quickly & that the baby could handle it. I went home around 7pm & as soon as I left I felt contractions starting but it wasn’t that strong... At around 10 pm I started monitoring the contractions because they were really strong & coming every 3 minutes. I decided to take a bath to see if things would calm down. At 11pm my boyfriend convinced me to go back to the hospital because the contractions were hurting & coming so fast.

We get to the hospital around 11:30pm & they check my cervix, I’m still only dilated to a 2 but the contractions were coming every minute or so. I got admitted into a room for the night but I still didn’t progress the whole night. At around 8am They decided to take the cervidil out. I got the balloon inserted & was sent home again as I still wasn’t progressing. I came back on Tuesday morning because the balloon had not fallen out & they had to check my cervix again. They check & im still only at 2 almost 3cm. My dr comes in & takes the balloon out & decides to break my water. I got admitted into a different room & was monitored until Wednesday afternoon where I was still only dilated to a 3 & that’s when they decided to do a c-section because my water had been broken for over 24hours & I was Group B strep positive.

At 2:02pm on June 27th 2018 my. Baby boy Brayden was born weighing 6 pounds 11ounces. I couldn’t have been more happy, even though it was a long 4 days!!!

Recovery was great & I was up & walking the day after delivery!

This is me at 2 1/2 weeks PP

My baby boy is now 4 weeks old tomorrow!💙

His newborn pics done at 1 1/2 weeks old